Friday, December 9, 2011

Had to Share...

I thought this was too much fun, not to share. Go ahead take the quiz and see how you do. I am not sharing my results. After your done, consider buying a home in Santa Cruz County to share your knowledge and intelligence.

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

If you think you're smarter than your parents, go ahead, take this quiz. If you score nine or better, consider yourself smarter than the typical 60-year-old. If you don't know the answers to at least eight of the questions, perhaps you can still learn a few things from your elders.

1. A dirigible is:

a) a lighter than air aircraft

b) Australian kangaroo

c) name for the first atom bomb

d) archaic name for a golf club

2. Who ran against Harry Truman for president in 1948?

a) Nelson Rockefeller

b) Dwight Eisenhower

c) George Romney

d) Thomas Dewey

3. George C. Scott played what famous World War II general?

a) George Patton

b) Erwin Rommel

c) Dwight Eisenhower

d) Omar Bradley

4. When did America abandon the gold standard of $35 to the ounce?

a) 1933

b) 1957

c) 1971

d) 1987

5. Who was the first James Bond in film?

a) Roger Moore

b) Pierce Brosnan

c) Sean Connery

d) Richard Burton

6. The first U. S. man-in-space program was called:

a) Apollo

b) Mercury

c) Hal

d) Gemini

7. Chet Huntley and ______ Brinkley.

a) Bill

b) David

c) Christie

d) Alan

8. When did Saigon fall?

a) 1968

b) 1972

c) 1975

d) 1977

9. What is a slide rule?

a) a mechanical tool to solve mathematical problems

b) the 11th commandment from the apocryphal Bible

c) a code of playground ethics from the 1950s

d) a short-cut for carrying over numbers in long division

10. Which of the following is not spam?

a) an unsolicited bulk email message

b) the subject of a famous Monty Python skit

c) a canned precooked pork product

d) the former name of Thailand

Answers: a, d, a, c, c, b, b, c, a, d

Tom Sightings is a former publishing executive who was eased into early retirement in his mid-50s. He lives in the New York area and blogs at Sightings at 60, where he covers health, finance, retirement, and other concerns of baby boomers who realize that somehow they have grown up.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Erase a Short Sale or Foreclosure from your Credit Report

If you are one of the unfortunate who have experienced a short sale or a foreclosure you MAY (and I stress MAY) be able to have it removed from your credit report.

With a short sale, or a foreclosure looming large on your credit report, you can just about forget about getting a mortgage to purchase a new home for a very, very long time. In today's real estate climate, you no doubt would love the opportunity to buy a new home, enjoying a much lower interest rate than what you had before loosing your home.

I have just learned of an opportunity (notice I did not say loop hole) that may allow you to start shopping for that new home very soon.

Julie Macc, a certified credit specialist with Century Law Group says that where there is a will there is a way to make purchasing a Santa Cruz home possible. She has been spending her work hours reviewing credit reports from clients to have been through the Short Sale and Foreclosure experience.

What Julie has found is that in most cases there are some major errors on those credit reports. These include errors in dates, names, address, late charges and much more. In several instances there has been reports of late mortgage payments on a property that had already been taken back, or sold though a short sale.

Once Julie has reviewed your credit reports, and located errors such as these, she has been able to have the entire item removed from the credit report.

This is not to say that your lender is not going to ask you if you have ever been though a short sale or a foreclosure (red flag) but having something of this nature taken off your credit report will go a long way to repairing your credit rating.

If you are reviewing your own credit report be sure to pull reports from all three agencies Tansunion, Experian and Equifax. What you locate on one may not show on the other two. One way to access your credit report

Now the disclaimer, While I have heard Julie speak, I have never referred a client to her or to Century Law Group. On the chance that this might actually work it should be worth the half of your time for Julie to review your reports.

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Reverse Mortgage

What an interesting way to continue the Santa Cruz lifestyle to which one has become accustom, in these tough economic times.

A reverse mortgage on your Santa Cruz home can do so much for so many, at a cost. If you are a member of the "older peoples" club and are sitting on equity in your home this may be a way for you to enjoy the fruits of your labor, or if you are short on cash or in need of medical or long term in home care the equity in your Santa Cruz home can help.

The simple explanation is that you borrow against the equity in your home, either receiving structured payments or a single sum. When your heirs sell your Santa Cruz home the reverse mortgage is paid, or in some cases the reverse mortgage company sells your home to re-coup their money.

A reverse mortgage carries a heavy upfront fee, in many cases that is not a concern as there is no out of pocket costs. An example would be if your home is valued at $600,000.00 and is full paid off. You can receive a portion of the equity in cash to use to carry you for the balance of your life. In the case where you many have a small mortgage, that can be paid off and you can still receive a portion of the equity in cash.

If you are planning to will your Santa Cruz home to your heirs, this may not be for you. In several cases at the time of your death, when your home is sold there is nothing left for your heirs after the reverse mortgage is paid.

I know two people who recently have taken out reverse mortgages, and both are thrilled that they have cash available for day to day expenses, and some fun mindless joys as well.

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Honey, let's Buy the BIG House

I just finished reading though the 9,0000 Real Estate related informational emails I get weekly.

In the times of downsizing and localizing, there was an article on Buying the Big House. This surprised me, even my husband talks of going smaller. He says our Santa Cruz home is too big. We have 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths, just for the two of us. I think the size of our house is in direct correlation with the health of our marriage. I like room to spread out, I like have an option of which bathroom to use, I like being able to sit in the living room reading a book while he watches TV in the family room.

I admit that our one bedroom only gets used when my best friend visits, the other when my husband lifts weights. I do use all the bathrooms, because I can.

In the article they rank the square footage of homes by state. In Utah the average house is 2305 sq. ft.(no comment) in Washington D.C. 1000 sq. ft. My Aptos house is just over 1900 sq. ft. By contrast my Mothers house within Santa Cruz City limits is just over 1600 sq. ft. with a 3/2 configuration.

As a Santa Cruz Realtor I think it all comes down to price/value per square foot. I would venture that the 1000 square foot high raise in Washington D.C. is valued at a higher price point than the sprawling 2305 sq.ft. McMansion in Utah.

Ultimately it is about what fits and suits your needs and lifestyle. I never thought that 22 years ago we would still be living in our Aptos tree house, but we are because it still fits. It is my retreat, sure sometimes I wish it was sunnier, sometimes I wish the property was vast and sprawling. At the end of the day it is home and that is what really matters.

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The BAD Blogger

It is an interesting fact, at least for me, that I am a bad blogger. I did not start out this way, it seems to have just happened along the way.

When I started out, I wrote about what was on my mind. Next I started looking for information to share, stories and Santa Cruz Real Estate market insight. Then I moved on to sharing real life situations that I came across dealing with Santa Cruz home buyers and Santa Cruz home sellers.

Lately, I have been stumped, I have not had any mind blowing thoughts or ideas to share. Sure, I could talk about how the Santa Cruz Real Estate market has some terrific deals, and some real dogs. I could share about the house that just sold where they buyer only had to put down $5,000.00 and the sellers financed his purchase, he is a pretty damn happy buyer.

It just seems there is so much going on, that I have a hard time wrapping my head around just one thought. Honestly, I talk all day long-sometimes I am just flat out of words.I did make a commitment to blog. I have been failing at living up to what I promised, I will try to do better.

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Why Do We Always Screw Up New Technology?

Why Do We Always Screw Up New Technology?

Staying Current

Having just spent an entire week at Keller Williams Agent/Leadership Mega Camp in Austin Texas, I can share a few insights.

There is absolutely no way a Realtor in today's fast paced world can stay on the top of their game, ahead of the pack without treating their business like a real business. Treat this business like a hobby, and you are out of date and out of luck.

You need to take the time to learn and grow, mix and meet and share best practices.
There is always someone who has a keener sense of how to maximize exposure to their listings and themselves. In order for you to stay current, you must spend time learning.

This last week was filled with so many ideas, best practices and concepts that I doubt there was any single agent who regrets spending the time, money or energy in Austin.

With close to 11,000 in attendance, I promise you there will be a renewed sense of purpose and goals surfacing.

I have shared a link of just one presenter,Chris did a great job on sharing information in a fun and insightful manner. Why Do We Always Screw Up New Technology?">

Now I am off to facebook..Interested in sharing your insights.

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bright Spots/Tara-Nicholle Nelson

5 bright spots in real estate recession
Mood of the Market

By Tara-Nicholle Nelson
Inman News™
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The real estate market meltdown was much more severe and has lasted much longer than even the most bearish housing market observer would ever have predicted. Rather than values taking a dip, they've taken a double dip in many places; and the housing sector drama has infected the job market and the entire world's economy.

Yet, there are some very shiny silver linings to this whole mess -- a handful of ways in which our mindsets, habits, behaviors and approaches to money, mortgage and even life decision-making -- have been changed by this real estate market debacle. As I see it, here are the five best things about this otherwise terrible housing recession:

People now buy for the long term. Even Jeff Lewis, that reality TV house flipper extraordinaire, has declared that he's tapped out of the flipping business for the foreseeable future, trading in his real estate wheeling and dealing for the design business.

Recently, he mentioned having lost six homes in the real estate market crash. While Lewis flipped homes as his business, just five years ago, many Americans -- homeowners and investors alike -- took a short-term view on their homes, buying them with the idea that they could count on refinancing, pulling cash out or even reselling them anytime they wanted, at a profit.

Reality check -- those days are gone. Now, buyers know they'd better be prepared to stay put for somewhere between seven and 10 years (shorter in strong local markets, longer in foreclosure hot spots) before they buy if they want to break even. And this is causing them to take mortgages they can afford over time, and make smarter, longer-term choices about the homes they buy.

Dysfunctional properties are being weeded out and creatively reused. Municipalities like Detroit and Cleveland are demolishing blighted and decrepit properties in dead neighborhoods en masse, intentionally shrinking their cities to match their shrinking populations. These efforts are also eliminating breeding grounds for crime, and focusing resources on the neighborhoods that have a better chance of surviving and thriving in the long term.

In the so-called "slumburbias" of central California, Nevada and Arizona, McMansions are being repurposed into affordable housing for groups of seniors, artist communities and group homes.

American housing stock is getting an energy-efficient upgrade. The news would have you believe that every American has lost his or her home, walked away from it, or is now renting by choice. In fact, the vast majority of homeowners have simply decided to stay put.

Instead of selling and moving on up, homeowners are improving the homes they now plan to stay in for a long(er) haul. And this generation of remodeling is focused less on granite and stainless steel, and more on lowering the costs of "operating" the home and taking advantage of tax credits for installing energy-efficient doors, windows, water heaters and more. And while the first-time homebuyer tax credit is a thing of the past, the homeowner tax credits for energy-optimizing upgrades are in effect until the end of this year.

People are making more responsible mortgage decisions, and building financial good habits in the process. Buyers are buying far below the maximum purchase prices for which they are approved. They are reading their loan disclosures and documents before they sign them. And, thanks to the stingy mortgage market, they are spending months, even years, in the planning and preparation phases before they buy: paying down their debt; saving up for a down payment (and a cash cushion, so that a job loss wouldn't be disastrous); being responsible and sparing in their use of credit to optimize their FICO scores; and creating strong financial habits in one fell swoop.

Our feelings about debt and equity have been reformed. Americans no longer use their homes like ATM machines, to pull out cash, pay off their credit cards and then start the whole overspending cycle over again. Many can't, because their homes are upside down and cannot be refinanced in any event -- much less to pull cash out.

Others have been reality-checked by the recession, and are dealing with their non-mortgage debt the old fashioned way: by ceasing the pattern of spending more than they make, and applying the self-discipline it takes to pay their bills off.

Home equity, in general, is no longer viewed as an inexhaustible source of cash. Rather, we see it as a fluctuating asset to be protected and increased -- not so much through the vagaries of the market, but through the hard work of paying the principal balance down. Many of those refinancing into today's lower rates aren't doing it to pull cash out, as was the norm at the top of the market; instead, they are refinancing into 15-year loans to pay their homes off sooner than planned, or reducing their required payment so their extra savings can be applied to principal.

Of course, it remains to be seen how lasting these changes will be if and when home prices go up and mortgage guidelines loosen up. But since neither of these things look likely to happen in the short term, hopefully there's a chance that these behavior shifts will become part of a permanent mindset reset for American housing consumers.

Tara-Nicholle Nelson is author of "The Savvy Woman's Homebuying Handbook" and "Trillion Dollar Women: Use Your Power to Make Buying and Remodeling Decisions." Tara is also the Consumer Ambassador and Educator for real estate listings search site Ask her a real estate question online or visit her website,

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What's It Take

I have made what I think is an interesting observation about this business called Real Estate. It is the behind the scenes pieces that make or break a Realtor.

Anyone who has their Real Estate license starts off full of hope and ambition. Thoughts of finding great real estate, working with buyers with tons of available funds to purchase the houses they have listed with delighted happy sellers. Ha Ha

Then reality sets in, making millions of phone calls, and getting hang up after hang up, spending hard earned cash on flashy web sites, flyers and advertising only to find none of it is attracting any clients. What is an aspiring Realtor to do??

The answer is simple, the basics..know your market, share what you know with who ever you meet, ask for business, take care of the business you get, and then ask for more. Provide your buyers with knowledge and support and direction to make smart choices. Help your sellers understand what is critical to them, explain what you are doing and how your doing it to get their houses sold. ANSWER your phone calls quickly. Be kind and caring with the other agents in your world, they could be on the other side of your next deal. Be respectful and communicate with your support team, your office staff, transaction coordinators,lenders and those wonderful title and escrow agents.

Finally, treat your real estate business, like a business.

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Price it Per Square Foot...

We all work as hard as we can to get a property sold.I do not know a single agent that wants a listing that they can not sell. We spend upwards of $1,000.00 on marketing efforts have generated many showings but no offers. What’s next?

Recently one of my Santa Cruz Real Estate Agents poised this question to me. She felt had done everything within her power to get the house sold. The seller could not lower the price any further. If they dropped the price any further, they would have to bring money that they didn't have to the closing table.

The sellers needed to sell their Santa Cruz home, the home had not sold, the sellers were angry and blaming the agent.
One of the things we discussed in this situation is to do an update on Santa Cruz market statistics. For example, if there are currently 60 properties listed in their neighborhood and price range and 10 of them sell each month, this means that in order to sell their property, the sellers must be in the top 17 percent of the properties on the market each month in terms of the price, condition and the location. With this many showings and no offers, they're continuing to fall in the bottom 83 percent that are still listed each month rather than in the 17 percent that sell.
The next we talked about ways to explain the seller’s choices, about ways to explain the current market conditions, detailing why certain Santa Cruz homes have sold, and others had not.
The final step is to outline the seller’s options:
1- They can adjust your price.
2- They can update the paint and the fixtures to make the house more appealing.
3- Or if they absolutely must get this price, you can take the property off the market and wait for the market to improve.

"It's your house and it is your decision. What would you like to do?"
Furthermore, it's often useful to either take the sellers out to look at the competition or to pull together a slide show of the interiors of the properties that went under contract or that are currently on the market. Sometimes the reason a property is not selling is that buyers can afford to be choosy. Everything else, unless it's way below market value, is languishing on the market.

Another idea is to do a price-per-square-foot comparison. Remember to choose comparable sales where the lot size and the improvement size are within 10 percent of the seller's property. Failure to do this will yield inaccurate results.
Some Sellers need to see a “picture” of their choices. If that is the case the next step is to make three pricing lines: one for sold listings, one for current listings, and one for expired listings. In most cases, the sellers' current price falls in the price range where most of the listings are expiring. Take the time to explain to your Santa Cruz home sellers that homes in the range between $170.00 and $200.00 per square foot have gone into contract in 60 days. Properties priced between $210.00 and $280.00 that failed to sell and are expired listings currently. Your property is priced at $265.00 per square foot.

Telling the sellers that they can leave their home on the market at $265.00 per square foot, and that it will probably stay on the market, or they can reduce their per square foot price which will increase the odds of selling. The choice is the sellers, the agents job is to give the sellers the information so they can make a choice based on facts, not emotions.

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

Friday, June 17, 2011

You've Got a Friend

We can all agree that real estate is all about relationships.

We attempt to persuade our personal circles of family, friends and acquaintances to locate our next deal. We spend time and money working those relationships. And for most of us, I'd say it's a natural talent; We are, by and large, a group of "People-Persons." In Santa Cruz, Realtors can be found everywhere working their sphere.

Yep, take an informal poll. I'd bet big money that 80 percent of the agents are extroverts,outgoing,very public, fun and flashy -- it doesn't matter which personality profile test you use, the results are always the same.

We've never met a stranger and we love a good party. Someone once described us and the group who start dancing when it is dark and the light from the refrigerator comes on. I may make fun of the bright lipstick, big jewelry and flashy cars, but that's only because I can see the humor in my own choices.

What I was going to talk about was the fine line we have to walk when it comes to working with close family and friends. Some people seem quite able to walk the tightrope without the fear of a fall. Their fear of a friendship ruined or a family member using another Realtor is buried in the depths of their subconscious.

Take the agent who meets friends on Thursday to show property, and then is spending the next week with the same friends at a lakeside resort.

I'm pretty sure I could do one or the other of those things really well, but not both. I'll be honest. Given the same scenario, I'd have a hard time deciding when work time was over (is it ever?) and when fun time started. Would it be okay to skip the Saturday afternoon showing only to meet the same folks later at a BBQ?

Would they want to discuss the homes we while eating chips and salsa? Would we drink beer and eat popcorn out of the same bucket? Can we both turn off "work mode" at the same time? What if one of us wants to dance to that refrigerator light and the other just wanted a mid night snack, while we are at the house by the lake?

Under normal work requirements I am "on" all the time. But when the line between work and and real life is fuzzy, I can't turn off "work mode" until everything we do during a transaction is complete. When you are my client and we are together it is for one reason and one reason only.

I admit it, when I first started my career selling real estate in Santa Cruz I went through times of great stress when I found out someone I knew and loved had decided not to work with me when selling or buying their Santa Cruz home. There were hurt feelings and phone hang ups. After all I felt, if they referred me business-why would they then not use me for my professional services themselves? If I referred then business wouldn't they want to use me when the time came. Evidently not.

Now that I am a seasoned Santa Cruz Realtor, I get it, it makes sense and I understand the line between friends and business. I am okay with it, actually I am very okay with it. Call me I can refer you a great agent that will not be hanging out with you in our free time, eating chips or dancing with us to the light of the frig.

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Faster better smoother..

There's one BIG change that would make the Santa Cruz Real Estate recovery faster, smoother and more vigorous. All short sales should be at pre-approved prices. They shouldn't be allowed to go into the multiple listing service until the banks have agreed to the price, terms and conditions -- including and especially how deficiencies and seller contributions will be handled.

Why? Because we have too many willing and able buyers who get their hopes up and then are trapped in a short-sale contract, with slim chances of successfully owning the house. Unless the Santa Cruz buyer is in contract on multiple houses, they're out of the market waiting for something that probably won't happen.

Having multiple contracts hurts the sellers, as these buyers are going to drop out as soon as one of their "deals" comes together. Massive time and energy is being spent by Santa Cruz real estate agents, with little chance of success.

The strategic default problem would be reduced if the Santa Cruz sellers knew that they'd be foreclosed on quickly. They're taking advantage of the prospect of making out better by doing a short sale. They're the most likely to have the banks requesting funds from the seller, or refusal to waive deficiency judgment -- terms that the seller will probably turn down, anyway.

If we knew in advance that the seller was truly qualified for a short sale, that the bank didn't have some other agenda, and was motivated to not get the property back in foreclosure, then I'd be happy to bring my strongest Santa Cruz buyers to the short-sale deal. Meanwhile, the real buyers are fighting over the REOs (bank-owned properties), flips and equity transactions, of which there are actually too few.

Prices keep falling because the short-sale agents are listing at 5 to 10 percent below comps in order to try to get an offer, and often are accepting offers at even less. The banks come back at a higher price, and then the buyer walks. The downward momentum has been coming from the short sales, not from the REO listings.

It would be nice if the banks would just do as suggested, or the government forces them to do it. The reality is that the real estate community is going to have to tell the banks that we're not going to facilitate their craziness any longer.

We'll take the listings, we'll process the short sale to approval or denial, but we won't put it on the MLS or tie up a buyer, or spend money to advertize and promote it until we know there's actually a huge chance that a closing could take place.

That was the premise, and the promise of the Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives program (HAFA), but HAFA has been just as big of a joke as the way we do it now.

Let's only sell houses that can actually, really, truly be bought. If the banks can dictate to us that they won't even consider a short sale till there's an offer, then we ought to be able to dictate to them that we won't look for an offer without a pre-approval of the sale.

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Making the Offer

Real Estate is a fickle friend. I can remember back to the good old days when every email or phone call was someone wanting to buy a Santa Cruz Home I had listed or someone who wanted me to list their Santa Cruz Home. Sometimes it was overwhelming, looking back I loved it and should have paid closer attention to the joy I felt.

Today, is different, very different. The call comes from a Santa Cruz Home Seller, wanting to meet, to consider the possibility that they might, think about, maybe, someday listing their home for sale...someday. The preparation for these meetings is exciting, you spend time reviewing sales, driving by the house, taking pictures and creating a report so you can explain that their wonderful, glorious home is worth about what they owe on it and nothing more. You are hopeful that they need to move so badly that they are okay with that.

Sometimes, your Santa Cruz Home Seller owes that house free and clear (whew) now you can help them understand how their home will be viewed bu the numerous buyers who will stop by during the open houses, you talk terms and pricing and if I have done my job correctly they will choose to list this wonderful for sale.

After what seems like a million years, the offer comes to purchase the Santa Cruz house. Wait a minute, the offer seems to be for another house, why would a buyer make an offer $65,000.00 under the list price? The very same buyer wants all the furniture and the car in the driveway?? Slight exaggeration, but you get the point.

I wonder sometimes what the Santa Cruz Home Buyer agents are telling their clients, just pick a random number and we will see what the seller is willing to take, why not ask for the moon and the stars while your at it.

Don't get me wrong, Santa Cruz Home Buyers should structure their purchase offers so they can afford the Santa Cruz Hone of their Dreams, but reality must always play at part at the end of the day.

As we like to say, and a motto we run our businesses by, it has to be a win-win or it is no deal.

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What's it going to take?

I have discovered walls in real estate. Yes, there are real walls, rock walls, brick walls, but the walls I refer to are the walls that surround decisions in real estate.

There are always obstacles in Buying and Selling real estate, but in the last few years the very nature of the business has created hurdles, fences and real honest to goodness walls.

Recently, I read an article about a Realtor who had qualified a buyer with a lender and then spent over 6 months showing properties, previewing and searching out the perfect home for this ready willing and .... buyer. Guess what, the buyer was a fraud. The buyer was working on a project for her advance degree in Social Science and decided to study the Real Estate Industry from the buyers point of view. I would imagine that someone else was doing the same project from the seller's point of view.
Ouch! time, money, energy and who knows what else was wasted on this "project".

Oh, I know how much fun there is in helping Santa Cruz Home Buyers and Santa Cruz Home Sellers fulfill their goals and dreams. Looking forward to helping the next person succeed is the entire reason that Realtor's do what we do every day.

Our plan for the next few years, pulling up the boot straps, putting a smile on our faces, filling the gas tanks..and going for it!

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

It is Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day.I am going to share a little about my mom today-not Santa Cruz Real Estate.

On Friday I was driving home and had the opportunity to hear a radio broadcaster share a tribute to her Mother who is no longer alive, it was very touching and made me realize how fortunate I am to still have my Mother in my life.

My mom was born 78 years ago in Mountain View California,she is the middle child and only girl. Her life was not easy-her father was in and out of their lives, money was tight and she fought for everything she ever had or wanted.

They moved to Santa Cruz at some point in time, probably for a job one of her parents. She did not graduate from high school, but is defiantly one of the smartest people I know. She left school to work in order to help support my Grandmother and her youngest brother.

When my parents married my mom was 24 and my father was 27, very old for the times. My mother the was the disciplinarian-nothing ever got by her, still to this day she can give me "that look" and stop me dead in my tracks. I am never sure what I may have done I just know I should not have done it.

There was a time several years ago, seems like another life time, that we did not have contact with one another any contact we did have was not pleasant. I am glad those times are past, but also think that there was some good that came from those years. I learned that I needed to make my own way, and that way, was going to be different from hers, that I did not need to share every detail of my life or choices with her, and that when she did not like or approve of what I was doing, life still moved forward and that she still loved me even if she was mad or disappointed.

When people ask me how my mom is, or if she is still alive I tell them that she is too mean or spunky to die. I know that one day that will happen, and when it does life will still move forward-I won't like it but my job will be to pick up and keep on.

Are you interested in Santa Cruz Real Estate,Buying or Selling Homes in Santa Cruz? Feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to provide you with information,listings and a FREE market analysis.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Santa Cruz Home Buying

Recently I received a phone call from a past client who is ready to purchase a home in Santa Cruz. This in itself was thrilling for me, since we real estate agents are never sure that when the time comes, our phones will ring.

So off we went to look at this picture perfect little Santa Cruz Home on an amazing large parcel. The opportunities for this Santa Cruz property are endless. Happily, it is zoned for multiple units, imagine a lovely income producing 4 unit rental dwelling, set among other multi-unit income producing units.

I am sure however that this buyer is not going to even consider tearing down this house to build those income producing units, he is already planning where the hot tub and chicken coop will be.

It actually is a perfect little grandma house, complete with what appears to be a working Wedgewood stove.My client is having flash backs. He grew up just down the road, and has wonderful memories of days spend at a near by beach, the outside shower he helped build in order to save the inside plumbing from the "sand" baths after a day in the surf. He is a practical man, so I am not too concerned about his trip down memory lane, but homes like these has pitfalls that buyers can easily fall into.

We talk about the possibility of termites, wall heaters and huge bills to restore this Santa Cruz beach cottage to it's former glory. No doubt there will be bills for a new roof, new windows and a front door that will keep the cold out and the heat in.
There is a chance that a major remodel will need to take place since the bedrooms are not large enough for a queen size mattress, and where would you hang your clothes since not much will fit in those tiny little closets.

Tomorrow, we will see if this is the perfect first home for him or not. We are taking a side trip to see another, larger home on a much smaller lot, bye bye chickens. I keep reminding him the hard part is already done, he has taken the first step to owning his first home. The first step, the hard part was deciding to start shopping, now the fun part begins.

Santa Cruz Real Estate is RED hot right now, do not miss this opportunity. Contact Me and I will be happy let you know what the value of your home is, and what else is out there for the ready buyer.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Anyone that knows me would think this Blogging business is right up my alley.I get to have a one sided conversation where I can share random thoughts, express ideas or concepts about the world, business or the weather. Sounds like just my cup of tea. The difficult part comes when I have to think of something somewhat meaningful and then attempt to express that thought in a way that I hope will attract some attention.

There is one person I know who regularly shares his "blogging" via You Tube. I think this is a fun, easy quick idea where you do not have to concern yourself with correct(sorta) grammar or punctuation. The thought of a "live" video feed freaks me out. I would be concerned with my hair, what shirt to wear and earrings. I would end up spending so much time getting ready that when it came time to share my ideas there would not be much left.

Then we have Facebook, this may be the place for people like me. You get to pick a photo to be your "face" to the world, and share ideas in short quick little bursts, and with any luck you actually get a response from your "friends" who usually like you and offer a level of support and "atta boys"

Forget Tweeting, that concept just confuses me. I am pretty sure no one care that I am wearing a purple T shirt with my orange hoodie.

Now I must stop rambling and get on with the topic of Real Estate in Santa Cruz, Home buying, Home Selling, all the wonderful areas within out Santa Cruz County communities, Aptos, Soquel, Capitola, Scotts Valley, Ben Lomond, Felton, Watsonville and more. We can talk about Real Estate Market conditions, market analysis. There is always the topic of home values, what your home is worth. I can tell you there is a large amount of cash hitting our area with all cash offers on some higher priced Santa Cruz Homes.

Bottom line, we are very luck to live in such a wonderful place such as Santa Cruz. Yes, I wish we had more sunny days, and maybe a white sand beach. But a thought occurs if we had those things where would I go on vacation?

Santa Cruz real estate is RED hot right now, do not miss this opportunity. Contact Me and I will be happy let you know what the value of your home is, and what else is out there for the ready buyer.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Looks Like Everyone in Santa Cruz is Selling

Have you noticed recently that there seems to be an increase in the amount of real estate for sales signs in your Santa Cruz County neighborhood? I thought I would share the reason for this.

Normally, there is a slight bump in the for sale inventory as soon as we feel that winter has passed. Given the horrid weather in Santa Cruz last weekend particularly in Capitola, along with the glorious days we have had recently I would expect to see a few more signs pop up.

The overall increase though has more to due with the economy. As more signs pop up fewer signs are coming down. The average days a property is for sale in Santa Cruz has doubled in the last two years.

This increase in days on the market, along with a one third increase in overall listings creates a glut on the market. There are a few different ways to analyze these local Santa Cruz real estate statics.

The first is to understand and acknowledge that a traditional real estate sale will take between 30 and 45 days to close escrow once the buyers and sellers have agreed to price and terms of the transaction. However, a short sale could take upwards of 9 months or more from start to finish. The very nature of this type of transaction adds months to the bottom line.

Currently the average days a property is on the market for sale is 138 days in Santa Cruz county. Some for a few as 7 days, others upwards of 2+ years. What does all this mean if you are considering the possibility of selling your home in Santa Cruz?

Take the time to meet and speak with at least three Santa Cruz Realtors. You should ask your friends and neighbors who they know and have worked with that they would recommend. Visit a few open houses that seem to be like yours in size, condition and location. Ask the Santa Cruz Realtor at the open house how long the property has been for sale, see if you can find out what the average number of days the Realtors your are interviewing take to sell a home.

The good news is that if you are buying a home in Santa Cruz, there are many options and opportunities for you. If you are selling, take a deep breath and relax. You need to trust that your Realtor is working diligently to market and expose your home to buyers looking to own a home in Santa Cruz you will know that is true based on your agents communication.

In short do your homework, there are a number of ways to prepare your Santa Cruz home for sale, but that is another blog.

Do you need help in deciding if now is the time to sell, feel free to email me at Contact Me and I will be happy to run the numbers for your home and area.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I had, what I think is an interesting thought today.I actually think all my thoughts are interesting, but that is another blog post.

When reading the paper this morning, there was a rather lengthy article about how Facebook grows its locations. This article referred specifically to a tactical team that moves to the desired location-in this case Austin Texas and beings the process of recruiting and hiring teams to staff the new location.

A large part of their goal is to duplicate success, safeguard the culture of Facebook and to instill a sense of sameness to each location even down to the manner their office is set up.

While there may be a coincidence that the article mentioned Austin Texas, home base of Gary Keller and Keller Williams International headquarters, I found the similarities rather interesting.

First and foremost was the culture of the company. I realize that every business has its own culture, the difference is how that culture is embraced, explained and defined in day to day activities. The key to the KW success in this arena is education, sharing,growing. The KW business model touts "faith, family and then business". Call it whatever you want but to me it means doing the right thing, period end of story.

The next item is what Facebook calls Hackathon. Hackathon is a regular event in which for that day there is one rule, you can not do your "normal" job that day. It is the day that you are to explore and expand. I am pretty sure KW, does not have a hackathon day..but I can imagine the possibilities. When I figure out a way to make that day happen, you can count on it taking place.

We have had a rough few weeks here in Santa Cruz, the weather has created havoc, but there is still real estate to sell, places to buy and the sun is just around the corner I am pretty sure.

For a FREE no obligation Market Analysis email me at Contact Me

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Equity Tap or Reverse Mortgage??

What makes the most sense, a reverse mortgage or a line of equity? In the last few months I have tackled this question twice. There are a number of different things to consider when evaluating the two choices.

In the first instance, the choice was pretty cut and dry. The home, a cute little two bedroom that sits just above downtown Santa Cruz, was owned outright. No mortgage and very well maintained. The widower wanted some "mad" money in order to do and buy what had been denied him during his marriage. The upside of the reverse mortgage was that there would be no monthly payments, the checks would arrive monthly and upon his death the reverse mortgage would be paid off by his heirs and any proceeds would become part of the trust. While the reverse mortgage is costly, there are no other considerations.

The second situation is quite a bit more complicated, a recent widow living in a home that is burdened with two mortgages, in need of TLC and has no cash flow outside of social security. There is no choice but a reverse mortgage, one of which is going to require costly roof repairs before the reverse mortgage is even in the bank. It is a less than ideal situation no matter how you look at it.

Needless to say, I have my fingers crossed that I never find myself stuck, with no alternative way to make ends meet. It is nice to know that there are ways to use what is yours to keep it together, or to buy that big screen flat T.V. you have wanted for years.

For a FREE no obligation Market Analysis email me at Contact Me

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Craving The Human Touch

How many times have you called your bank, credit card company, phone company and ached to talk to an actual human being..someone who would be there to help resolve whatever issue you have, or just to answer a darn question.

There is help, there is a trick for getting through. It is a website called
Get Human that provides the access to the human touch. Gives you the tricks, codes and what not's to reach the person who is going to actually help you.

With over 2,200 access codes listed you will no doubt find the company you are looking for. These numbers and inputs have been checked an verified, however if the company changes their phone number all beats are off.

For instance if you want to reach someone at Mastercard, you just press 0 three times quickly.

For any of your Real Estate needs please feel free to
Contact Me

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Auntie Lena

Yesterday I had the honor of spending a hour or so at my great aunts 97th birthday. Most of you must admit that alone is an amazing feat. Auntie Lena is still sharp as a tack, while having slowed physically,which is not a big surprise.

Several years ago she managed through and rallied after heart surgery and recently she had a brief stay hospital fighting pneumonia, but I must say she is always delighted to see friends and family. If asked she can recall what happened many many years ago, as well as what took place yesterday. She is a pretty terrific lady. I think I can safely say that she was my fathers favorite, he always called her "Auntie". As I child I was never sure what her name was, she was just "Auntie"

She comes from a family of sisters with a very long life line, six in all they have each managed to live well into their 80's. My grandmother(Auntie Lena's sister)lived to 100. Lena is the "baby" of the family was there and signing Happy Birthday to herself.

She, along with two of her sisters can be seen on occasion on community TV sharing the story of their childhood, growing up in Davenport. My favorite is how in the summer their whole family rode a covered wagon, from their home to the coast to spend time "camping" for months. The funny part of the story to me was that it took them almost as long to get to the coast, as they spent camping.

I realized yesterday that Lena and I have several things in common, besides being related she also married later in life, has no children and tends to be light of heart at all times. I have often wondered that when I am older, who might be there to help me celebrate such milestones in my life.

I think if I live my life correctly I might be lucky enough to have, like my Auntie Lena, 20 or more friends and family there to mark special times of my life as well.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Our Changing Times

Yesterday another Realtor in our office was feeling very discouraged, and shared the reason with me.

She has been working with a lovely couple who are working towards becoming first time buyers.

They both have solid long term employment, and have been saving every dollar they can in hopes of finding the perfect home in which to start their family. They have spend many miles traveling in the car with their agent looking at every home within their price range. When they have found something they like enough to make an offer on, it is being snatched up by investors with cash, or the price has become so inflated due to multiple offers they end up priced out of the property.

A few weeks ago they made an offer on a lovely 1942 bungalow, and then began to imagine what their lives would be like when they moved in. Amazed that their offer was accepted, they began the inspection period.

A home inspector alerted them to the possibility of MOLD within the classic plaster walls. Additionally the inspector told them the only way to be sure that the property was not MOLD infested was to have a costly MOLD inspection, a cost they were not prepared to pay for.

Their kind, responsible agent knew they loved this house, felt it perfect, but the possibility of MOLD could ruin their dreams. So..the agent called the MOLD inspector and she paid for the inspection out of her pocket.

Afraid that they may not be able to complete the purchase due to a MOLD issue, they began to look at other homes, and found one just across the street. They called their agent and wanted to make an offer on house #2. The agent was reluctant to make a second offer, then the first was still in process-so she explained they would need to cancel escrow #1, and she would be happy to write an offer for house #2.

Their agent contacted the listing agent on house #2, explained that her clients has seen the home at an open house, loved it and could the listing agent send her over the reports, so that she could present him with an offer from them on house #2.

During this time, the agent on house #2, who had interacted with the couple at an open house contacted the buyers explained that he already had several offers, and the ONLY way they would stand a chance of getting the house was for him to write the offer for them, then he would guarantee they would get the house.

The inexperienced buyers went ahead and had the listing agent write an offer for them on his listing (DUAL AGENCY). Of course he could promise them the house, he had access to all the other offers, and he has the seller's ear and trust.

The buyers first agent was having a meeting with them last night, so we will have to see how this all plays out...more to follow.

For a FREE no obligation Market Analysis email me at Contact Me