Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanks Giving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I think it is important to say Thank You for all we have.

I wonder if my parents felt the same level of the "unknown" that I do. I am sure on some level they must have. I am sure they wondered about their health and that of their families. Worried about jobs, money and bills. Wondered at times, about the stability of their marriage, and the marriages of their friends and families.
I never, ever saw them worry or wonder over these things, they seemed all knowing, all powerful and in control in my eyes.

So in being thankful today, first it is to my parents who raised me with a feeling of security and strength, who provided me with more that I needed, and everything I ever wanted. For always loving me, even though during those rough times, it did not feel like it. I miss my father everyday, but I am thankful that my Mom is doing and being who is she with all my heart.

To my best friend who has always been there no matter what. I if I live to be 100, she must live to be 100+, since I can not imagine my life without her.

To my numerous friends, though we may not see or talk with each other often enough. I know we all take time out of our lives and think of each other kindly and with great warmth.

And finally to my husband, who puts up with my craziness, my love of soap operas, my disorganization at home, my lack of concern for certain things, my trying but not always doing, my loving Sophia-which goes beyond the scope a healthy person should have for a dog. My huge desire for warm weather vacations where I really just want to sit on a beach. Along with everything else I do that drives hims nuts. He is often tolerant, sometimes not. Sometimes he says things he probably wishes he hadn't but life is not easy and sometimes I make things harder than they need to be, I think we all do.

Today I say thank you to everyone who has had a hand in where I am today, but mostly to where I am headed in the tomorrows to come.

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